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NETSCOUT University Tutorials
The 7 on 7 tutorial series includes seven videos (approximately 7 minutes in duration) that are designed to give you a short introduction to NETSCOUT core technologies. Presented by a technical trainer, the series will break down key components of the products' features and functionality. Each tutorial series will give you a solid understanding of how to increase your smart data visibility.
nGeniusONE® Service Assurance platform with ASI technology provides powerful insights based on rich analysis, metrics and views into your applications, service enablers, server transactions, user communities, and the network.
nGenius® Business Analytics (nBA) is a “bring your own data” platform for business self-service analytics and data enablement projects based on Infinistream ASI+ smart data.
nGenius® PFS 2200 series and nGenius PFS 4200 series – designed for critical network security visibility applications – provide 10G and 40G platforms for delivering packet data to network security systems.
nGenius®PULSE is a highly-scalable, synthetic or "active test" solution. Active testing automatically and routinely simulates real user actions – even if no active users of the application are on the system, in order to proactively alert for issues or outages.
nGenius® PFS Fabric Manager enables administrators to configure, deploy, and troubleshoot monitoring networks consisting of the nGenius 5000 and 6000 series packet flow switches. It provides an intuitive, drag-and-drop configuration with workflows for the three major areas, or lifecycles, of a packet flow switch system: configuration, deployment, and monitoring.