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NETSCOUT University Tutorials

The 7 on 7 tutorial series includes seven videos (approximately 7 minutes in duration) that are designed to give you a short introduction to NETSCOUT core technologies. Presented by a technical trainer, the series will break down key components of the products' features and functionality. Each tutorial series will give you a solid understanding of how to increase your smart data visibility.

nGeniusONE Service Assurance Platform

nGeniusONE® Service Assurance platform with ASI technology provides powerful insights based on rich analysis, metrics and views into your applications, service enablers, server transactions, user communities, and the network.

nGenius Business Analytics

nGenius® Business Analytics (nBA) is a “bring your own data” platform for business self-service analytics and data enablement projects based on Infinistream ASI+ smart data.

nGenius PFS

nGenius® PFS 2200 series and nGenius PFS 4200 series – designed for critical network security visibility applications – provide 10G and 40G platforms for delivering packet data to network security systems.


nGenius®PULSE is a highly-scalable, synthetic or "active test" solution. Active testing automatically and routinely simulates real user actions – even if no active users of the application are on the system, in order to proactively alert for issues or outages.

nGenius PFS Fabric Manager

nGenius® PFS Fabric Manager enables administrators to configure, deploy, and troubleshoot monitoring networks consisting of the nGenius 5000 and 6000 series packet flow switches. It provides an intuitive, drag-and-drop configuration with workflows for the three major areas, or lifecycles, of a packet flow switch system: configuration, deployment, and monitoring.