Monitor Applications and Access to Critical Services from the User Perspective

nGenius®PULSE provides organizations with comprehensive observability to monitor user experience within dynamic IT ecosystems, ensuring the availability, reliability, and performance of mission-critical services across multicloud environments. With nGeniusPULSE, you can proactively identify and resolve potential issues for work-from-home or remote users, ensuring a seamless experience over ethernet or Wi-Fi before they impact user experience and scale out of control.


Improve User Experience

Visibility anytime, anywhere, to see application and network availability and performance from the user perspective

Assure User Experience

Quickly Monitor Application and Network Status

View Red-Yellow-Green status on dashboard, drilldown to test results and performance over time, and review graphs and trend analysis

Capture Smart Data from Work-From-Home/Remote Locations

Use active monitoring to get Smart Data for deep-dive analysis from nGeniusPULSE into nGeniusONE for unmatched user experience monitoring

Correlate Service Delivery with Infrastructure Health

Verify health of underlying infrastructure supporting network and business-critical applications


NETSCOUT nGenius® Enterprise Performance Management solutions such as nGeniusPULSE and nGeniusONE deliver visibility for supreme user experience at the business edges where clients connect using a combination of scalable deep packet inspection (DPI), packet-based monitoring, and active monitoring. This provides IT with solutions to monitor, test, and improve the performance of their IT environments and ensure high-quality user experiences.

Fact Sheet

NETSCOUT nGenius Enterprise Performance Management

NETSCOUT nGenius Enterprise Performance Management arms today's IT teams with rapid troubleshooting and faster mean-time-to-remediate issues impacting remote users using both synthetic testing capabilities and packet-based monitoring.


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