Join us for a 20-minute talk highlighting nGenius Enterprise Performance Management for the energy industry

Electric utilities, along with gas and oil companies keep the power and heat going, and digital innovations in the Smart Grid and AMI have transformed this industry. But this all requires security, continuous availability, and seamless operation to avoid power delivery disruptions and outages. Visibility without borders provides the evidence needed to ensure seamless operations and access to utility applications, like SCADA and GOOSE, from anywhere, any time, over any device. With groundbreaking packet-level monitoring and continuous synthetic testing, NETSCOUT offers solutions for comprehensive analysis into digital transformation in the utilities industry through traditional, private, and public cloud environments.

Utilities Industry ASI Diagram
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The applications supporting power generation, distribution, and consumption require high availability and performance, as well as security, to maintain safety, compliance, and customer satisfaction.

NETSCOUT Solutions for Utilities

  • Visibility into essential services – Applications supporting AMI, transmission, and distribution services, including SCADA and GOOSE
  • Comprehensive observability using both packet-based monitoring and synthetic testing capabilities
  • End-user experience assurance from transmission facilities, substations, service trucks, and mobile apps to data centers and contact centers
  • Scalable network insights across private, public, and multi-cloud environments

Large southern U.S. utility reduced MTTR 50 – 79% with end-through-end visibility in their hybrid cloud.

Netscout is the real deal, helping simplify troubleshooting of complex applications for me and my team. Their best-of-breed service assurance platform improves the visibility we need in the network infrastructure and allows us to do protocol analysis, monitor remote site performance, and effectively troubleshoot mission-critical applications.

- Network Engineer at Large Enterprise Energy & Utilities Company

Key Utility Focal Areas

Application Performance in Utilities

For the most critical services, such as AMI, and for production applications, including SCADA and GOOSE. nGeniusONE provides real-time visibility anywhere for any service.

Business Application Performance

CRM, UC&C, ERP, VDI, video surveillance, and e-mail are all critical services and require performance assurance using nGeniusONE and nGeniusPULSE.

Utilities Network Performance Management

Managing the complexity of modern, energy, power, and public utility networks depends on visibility without borders.

Utilities Security & Availability

Protecting the availability of utility networks is critically important for a business with regulatory requirement for uptime and security of the smart grid.

Keys for Successful Digital Transformation in Utilities Services

Assure Availability & Performance of Critical Utility Services

Delivering always on, safe, reliable and customer centric energy services, digital transformations in the utilities industry like Advanced Metering along with energy and outage management systems, have helped utilities and energy companies achieve their mission. Customer satisfaction, compliance and revenue are all threatened if any of these services become degraded or unavailable. Learn more about how leading power utilities are managing performance and availability of their complex IT services.

Contact NETSCOUT to protect your utility network.