Business Continuity
At NETSCOUT we view our customer relationships as long-term partnerships. We are here to help in this rapidly changing environment.
The Opportunity
In addressing a pandemic like COVID-19, state and local governments around the world are making decisions that dramatically alter the daily life of individuals.
As a result, wireless service providers need to keep a close eye on changes in subscriber behavior to ensure uninterrupted service.
- Assess traffic patterns around essential businesses including hospitals, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc.
- Identify and report on congested locations over time.
- In cooperation with local mandates, service providers can also serve as an independent barometer for social distancing efforts.
- Validate crowd reduction goals around beaches, parks, other public places, and non-essential businesses.

The Details
With TrueCall® RAN Analytics, carrier service providers have the tools they need to visualize where, when and how traffic patterns are changing in response to official declarations.
- Heat maps and operational reports provide real-time views to highlight subscriber activity and location patterns.
- High level visualizations may be shared with government agencies without compromising GPDR and privacy regulations.
The Results
By implementing TrueCall, carrier service providers can effectively support public service initiatives.
- Assess compliance to ‘Flatten the Curve’ orders without invasion of subscriber privacy.
- Improve mobile coverage around essential businesses and infrastructure.
TrueCall heat maps may be used to assess actual subscriber activity around essential and non-essential businesses
Clear, visual assessment of actual subscriber activity can ensure coverage around essential infrastructure and support compliance with shelter-in-place orders and reduced occupancy opening criteria.
Business Continuity
At NETSCOUT we view our customer relationships as long-term partnerships. We are here to help in this rapidly changing environment.