Critical E-Health Touchpoints for Service Assurance:
The main arteries of digital health are: HL7, PACS, RIS, CIS, DICOM, 5G, and more. These complex systems suture together E-Health today to deliver:
Patient record(s) information in an instant across disparate platforms.
Programmable implanted cardio defibrillators, 24x7 (ICD).
E-Prescriptions to any location seamlessly.
On-demand just in time medical equipment replenishment.
ICU patient care monitored via IoT devices.
Remote, Telehealth providing in-the-field healthcare services.
Case Studies
Improve Network Performance
NETSCOUT VaaS Achieves Quick Time to Value Implementing the nGeniusONE Service Assurance Solution
Eliminate Service Outage
NETSCOUT threat intelligence and collected traffic data identifies potential cyber-attacks and can help to eliminate service outages.
Identify DICOM Imaging Issues
Adding vSTREAM Virtual Appliance to nGeniusONE Platform Deployment Provides End-to-End Visibility
Always on VaaS Managed Service
Assures Quality End-User Experience for Customers with Always-On NETSCOUT VaaS Managed Services
NO LATENCY is here to provide you, our customer, with timely, relevant information about the products you depend on to See-Assure & Secure your networked systems that keep your operations running.
Learn more about these use-cases by starting with a chat with our Customer Care team or call us at 1-888-357-7667. For additional content login to your myNETSCOUT account to view NO LATENCY +.