What’s New with NETSCOUT at Mobile World Congress

Next stop: Barcelona!

NETSCOUT at Mobile World Congress

To all our friends, colleagues, partners, and customers who make the annual pilgrimage to the Mobile World Congress (MWC), we have one thing to say—we missed you! Admittedly, it’s been a few years since we’ve attended the conference, which is why we’re pleased to announce that NETSCOUT is making its return to MWC ’24 in Barcelona this year.

We feel as if we have a lot of personal catching up to do at this year’s conference, so we’ll be looking to connect with as many folks as we can over the four-day event. We have lots we want to share, and equally importantly, there’s lots we want to hear about from our fellow attendees.

Bottom line is, we know the industry is facing challenges as networks continue to evolve. Service providers are making significant investments in 5G and 5G standalone networks while having to maintain earlier-generation networks. Making sure everything works is no small task. Add to this the ever-present need to ensure security both inside and outside this expanded attack surface. Also, is anyone talking about artificial intelligence (AI)? We are, of course, and we’re making big investments here. And perhaps most importantly, providers need to monetize these new networks to justify the investment and expand business opportunities.  

We’re All Ears

Our big focus at MWC this year will be meeting one-on-one to personally discuss how we can improve your business. We’re anxious to hear about the challenges you’re facing in dealing with your 5G rollout and how you plan to use AI to help manage both your internal and external processes. Service providers will have the opportunity to meet with NETSCOUT’s CTO Bruce Kelley and other executive staff to discuss their needs. And we’ll share how our Smart Data can accelerate your efforts in 5G NetOps, AIOps, and mobile network security. Anyone who has previously met with Kelley already knows the man is a veritable Encyclopedia Britannica (a print equivalent of Wikipedia, for those too young to get the reference) on the topic of 5G networks.

We look forward to providing vital insights into how NETSCOUT has upped the game for service providers through innovations that leverage AI/machine learning (ML) to help you deliver services without interruption; automatically discover VIPs and applications; act upon network data with closed-loop solutions; ensure SLAs per slice, service, and subscriber; and extend visibility into the edge for security.

See You in Barcelona

We’re excited to meet with you in Barcelona. We want to hear what’s on your mind and let you know the latest on what NETSCOUT is doing to help service providers gain the edge with automated observability for tomorrow’s networks. See you all in Barna, as the locals say!

To schedule a meeting with NETSCOUT at MWC ’24, click here.