Transforming the Future of Service Assurance
Why automation across telco platforms is key to delivering emerging B2B services and a superior end-user experience

As telecom providers look to meet the evolving needs of business-to-business (B2B) customers, there is a growing focus on service assurance in order to deliver superior network performance and a better end-user experience. For many telcos, digital transformation investments are being channeled into building next-gen platforms that rely on automation and data analytics, along with cloudification and disaggregation to fulfill market-leading aspirations.
The Importance of Automating Service Assurance
Business customers increasingly expect telcos to offer a wide range of individualized services while at the same time assuring the highest-quality service. To support the growth of these enterprise services, telcos will need to have programmable solutions that are fully secure and capable of meeting service-level-agreement (SLA) expectations. To satisfy the service assurance demands associated with new services—made possible by network slicing and enterprise 5G networks—telcos will need to up their game to include a design for service assurance automation from the very start.
Because of the complexity of networks and emerging services, there is a growing need for intelligent automation that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to provide the insights needed to achieve service assurance. AI and ML capabilities offer the prospect of automating the gathering of packet flow information across networks, enabling telcos to run analytics to glean the root cause of issues so problems can be resolved more quickly.
Partnerships Will Be Key to New Use Case Success
To unleash new use cases, telcos will have to open up capabilities to third-party partners. This will necessitate standardized interfaces that provide the insights needed to develop new services. How telcos engage with partners will also be crucial. Being agile in working together to develop solutions and using data to achieve service assurance will be key to success.
Smart Data Leads to Assurance
Moving from a reactive to a proactive approach in managing service issues will require cognitive and analytic capabilities. NETSCOUT’s Automated Analytics platform is designed to solve complex problems by using AI and ML, delivering actionable business intelligence. This automated solution takes raw traffic data and refines it into clean data—in short, Smart Data. Automated Analytics then applies algorithms, using built-in domain expertise that has a deep understanding of the telco’s network.
Leveraging microservices-based analytics chains to detect the relevant outliers combined with NETSCOUT’s extensive domain knowledge, telcos are able to automate the task of assuring service and achieving security objectives, opening the way for tremendous business opportunities.
Learn more about NETSCOUT’s Automated Analytics solution.