Frost & Sullivan Names NETSCOUT 2022 Global Company of the Year
NETSCOUT earns top award as Best Practices Leader in the global wireless network monitoring and service assurance industry.

Business success can be measured in any number of ways. Marketplace leadership and growing revenues are clear indications of a company’s dominance and effective market strategy. Another clear indicator is being recognized as the best by a prestigious industry award. And that is precisely the case with NETSCOUT, which recently was named “2022 Global Company of the Year” by Frost & Sullivan.
NETSCOUT earned Frost & Sullivan’s top award as Best Practices Leader in the global wireless network monitoring and service assurance industry.
The humble response would be to gracefully acknowledge the validation of NETSCOUT’s vision, expertise, and leadership. But a more genuine response would be wow! Being named best of the best is kind of a big deal.
“Frost & Sullivan reserves this recognition for companies at the forefront of innovation and growth in their respective industries,” said Frost & Sullivan CEO Darrell Huntsman. “Driving innovation and growth is a difficult task made even harder by the strategic imperatives forcing change today, such as disruptive technologies, value chain compression, industry convergence, and new business models. In this context, NETSCOUT‘s recognition signifies an even greater accomplishment.”
Meeting the Needs of a Rapidly Evolving Network Universe
As mobile network providers continue to build out infrastructure to meet the needs of 5G deployments, network virtualization, and autonomous networks, highly effective monitoring solutions that can reach into the cloud are becoming increasingly important.
Visibility from the radio access network (RAN) to the core to the edge is essential when it comes to troubleshooting both public and private cloud, as well as across physical, virtual, or hybrid networks and workloads that include virtual RAN, virtual core, and edge computing throughout the 5G lifecycle.
NETSCOUT’s innovative technology enables seamless monitoring and analysis of highly complex wireless networks for enterprises and communication service providers (CSPs). NETSCOUT solutions leverage virtual appliances to achieve application monitoring throughout an organization’s networks and data centers, allowing for the successful migration of applications into public cloud environments and delivering comprehensive visibility into hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Award-Winning Best Practices
NETSCOUT was chosen as Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 Global Company of the Year award winner because of its best practices in monitoring, security, performance assurance, optimization, and network troubleshooting.
Frost & Sullivan cited NETSCOUT’s newest products, including Smart Edge Monitoring and Omnis Cyber Intelligence, as contributing to the company’s business momentum and ability to maintain a competitive advantage.
NETSCOUT also was honored because of its unrelenting commitment to working with many industry-leading partners to effectively integrate solutions into customers’ ecosystems to meet their digital transformation needs, addressing some of the connected world’s most vexing problems.
Frost & Sullivan especially applauded NETSCOUT’s compelling customer value proposition, strong brand equity, and overall solid business performance. It also indicated that the company’s strong product development strategy, which is in line with evolving end-user requirements, gives NETSCOUT a decided edge in the marketplace.
Learn more about NETSCOUT’s 2022 Frost & Sullivan Award