Financial Services Company Improves User Experience While Planning Digital Transformation
Organizations have continued their digital transformations in 2020, despite the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, a survey by MariaDB revealed that 40 percent of enterprises had actually fast-tracked their cloud-based initiatives in response to the pandemic.
Any major digital transformation will involve thoughtful planning, business objectives, timeline targets, budget allocation, and most likely, executive-level approvals. And this typically means the implementation will have executive-level oversight to ensure the targets are met, if not exceeded.
This certainly was the case with a recent financial services company that was engaged in a digital transformation project with the business goal of improving user experience. The company’s changes included an upgrade to 100GB in its data center infrastructure, as well as investments in virtualization and cloud infrastructure. Just as this was occurring, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States and more than 5,000 employees from the company’s operations and sales centers became a home-office-based workforce. Learn how this financial services organization addressed availability and performance issues with its essential business and communications applications, including Citrix and VoIP services.