The Opportunity
This large Asia-Pacific Carrier Service Provider (CSP) was excited to launch Voice over LTE (VoLTE), but also needed to ensure their new systems did not impact their customers’ experience.
VoLTE requires seamless interactions between multiple technology domains. Their traditional approach to identifying subscriber issues was falling short. In order to troubleshoot, they utilized multiple systems – proving to be time intensive; and worse, the systems sometimes were failing to identify the root cause.
This CSP needs to keep their customers happy while implementing new technology.
The Details
A new approach was required.
Holistic Triage - Utilizing nGeniusONE®, the team has moved from troubleshooting tickets individually to the NETSCOUT® holistic service triage approach. This approach divides a complex problem into smaller, simpler, and more manageable sub-problems. Instead of monitoring VoLTE as a single entity, the issues are grouped into smaller parts, called “services.” These smaller services are now monitoring millions of subscribers at the same time based on CSP requirements such as: devices, interfaces, call model, and geography.
Improved MTTR - The team is now able to group trouble tickets and identify systemic issues while quickly solving customer issues and reducing Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) to minutes rather than days.
The Results
With NETSCOUT’s nGeniusONE, this CSP:
- Relieved workload on internal groups: Customer Service, Network Engineering, Network Planning, and Marketing
- Reduced subscriber churn
- Gained a deep understanding of their customers’ experience on their VoLTE service