Free Case Study
Service Assurance for Custom Applications in a Distributed Judicial Network
With more than 300,000 networked business transactions an hour, there is no understating the importance of availability and responsiveness of the application services to the efficient operation of this State court system. The State Judiciary’s IT team IT needed to reduce time to resolve issues impacting custom applications used for document filings, case assignments, fines, and payments. Technology frustrations with these application performance issues had reached the State Justice user level. In deploying the NETSCOUT nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform and nGeniusPULSE infrastructure monitoring solution, the IT team is using easily visualized NETSCOUT smart data to optimize custom application performance and enhance hourly transaction performance. The IT team now can analyze the source of enterprise performance issues down to individual court locations, with one particularly technology-savvy member even using nGeniusPULSE’s intuitive dashboard to view the status of business services relevant to court proceedings.