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Active Threat Intelligence at a Global Scale
As DDoS attacks continue to increase in frequency and complexity, DDoS attack threat intelligence becomes vital for automated, adaptive DDoS attack protection. Derived from NETSCOUT’s ATLAS network’s real-time monitoring of 50% of internet traffic, an unmatched source of visibility into global DDoS attack activity, combined with human insight from NETSCOUT’s ASERT Team, the ATLAS Intelligence Feed automatically arms all NETSCOUT Arbor DDoS attack protection products with the latest DDoS attack tactics, known sources of DDoS attacks and Indicators of Compromise so organizations can automatically protect themselves from DDoS attacks and other cyber threats and adapt protections as those attacks change vectors.
Automated DDoS Attack Protection
Based on NETSCOUT's unique, Internet-wide visibility into the details of DDoS attacks, we are able to provide real-time in-line threat intelligence to our products about where attack traffic is originating from and what the attacks look like, to enable accurate, surgical, automated, and adaptable blocking of up to 90% of DDoS attack traffic.
Blocking Inbound and Outbound Cyber Threats
Cyber Threats are a primary driver for our smart perimeter defense systems for the enterprise. NETSCOUT solutions not only block threats trying to get into the network but also detect and block communication from malware already resident inside the network trying to get out.
Internet Traffic Intelligence
Generates operationally valuable information to identify Over The Top (OTT) traffic to understand the content of traditionally layer 4 flow data. This information can also identify traffic that may not require blocking during security protection activity like web search crawlers or conferencing applications.
Automated Threat Intelligence Improves Adaptive DDoS Protection
As cyber threats continue to increase in frequency and sophistication, mature security teams will rely upon not only the latest cybersecurity technology, but also highly curated threat intelligence that arms these products enabling them to conduct more agile incident response and remediation – all to ultimately avoid the downtime or data breach that puts their organization in the news.

ATLAS Intelligence Feed (AIF)
The ATLAS Intelligence Feed (AIF) continuously arms the NETSCOUT AED product with highly curated, actionable threat intelligence.