Financial Leader Improves Performance of Customer Applications with NETSCOUT

- Customer Profile
- Customer Profile
- The Challenge
- Solution in Action
- The Results
- Moving customer-facing services to Equinix Co-lo’s exposed need for visibility to assure performance
- Lacked effective tools for identifying and troubleshooting money transfer application issues
- nGeniusONE® Service Assurance platform
- InfiniStreamNG™ appliances
- nGenius® Visibility-as-a-Service
- Ensure performance of financial applications for customers
- Improved team collaboration and reduced MTTR with nVaaS
Customer Profile
For more than 100 years, this leading financial services company has provided asset, banking, and investment management services to corporations, institutions, and high net-worth individuals. This industry-leading financial services company has earned a reputation for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation.
With tens of thousands of employees in dozens of offices across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific supporting billions of dollars in assets under management, this financial institution depends heavily on the efficiency and availability of their application and networking resources. Nothing short of a flawless customer experience is expected when money is at stake.
The Challenge
This industry-leading financial services company has earned a reputation for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. To support their business growth and improve service to their customers, the information technology (IT) organization was in the process of implementing innovative digital technologies. One of the initiatives focused on migrating several top corporate business services to new Equinix co-lo sites. The IT team was in need of critical visibility into their primary data centers as well as services in their new Equinix co-lo sites to ensure their performance and availability.
Also drawing IT staff attention was a critical application that performed money transfers for both institutional and private investors that had experienced an outage. Hosted in their primary data center, this outage had impacted some of their top customers, and legacy tools did not enable proactive detection of the problem. Furthermore, the existing tools lacked an effective way to triage the issue after the problem was detected. This further refined the need for application-level visibility in their environment.
Solution in Action
The network and telecom services team at the financial institution conducted a thorough review and evaluation, which led to the selection of the nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform along with several NETSCOUT® Certified InfiniStreamNG (ISNG) Software Appliances and vSTREAM virtual appliances for visibility into their new Equinix co-lo. nGeniusONE is an enterprise-wide solution that relies on NETSCOUT’s patented Adaptive Service Intelligence™ (ASI) technology in all the ISNG and vSTREAM family of appliances. This technology, which leverages packet data for fast, context-based, vendor-independent analysis, feeds the nGeniusONE platform for real-time analysis of issues impacting application performance. With support for more than 1,000 data, voice, and video applications, they knew the nGeniusONE solution would also address the application performance issues they needed to address with their customer-facing services, like the money transfer application.
In order to put the nGeniusONE solution to use as quickly as possible, the IT staff implemented NETSCOUT’s innovative nGenius Visibility as a Service (nGenius VaaS), which functions like an extension of their own IT organization. nGenius VaaS is a team of nGeniusONE experts that operates the financial institution’s nGeniusONE solution and performs proactive monitoring, analysis, alerting, and collaborative troubleshooting. The nGenius VaaS team triages alerts for potentially developing issues and works with the financial institution’s IT staff to provide fact-based evidence from the NETSCOUT solution as to the root cause of the issue and recommendations for resolution.
The Results
Ensuring customer expectations for high-quality performance of high-value financial applications is the bottom line for this organization. This means reducing the Mean-Time-to-Resolve (MTTR) issues with their voice, video, and business data applications, including money transfer services, is a critical success factor for this initiative. Ability to execute transactions related to their assets and investments, with confidence, is essential for the success of this financial organization. The faster the IT organization can see and address issues with these services helps minimize the customer’s impact and hopefully avoid an extended, catastrophic outage.
Employing the expertise from the nVaaS team with 24/7 monitoring and alerts has helped reduce the Mean-Time-to-Knowledge (MTTK) at the point of failure or degradation. With nVaaS, the financial institution has benefited from the strategic, actionable insights into the data available in reports, dashboards, and granular views to improve their proactive troubleshooting, as well as informed decision-making for their innovative digital technology planning and migrations. They have improved the effectiveness and efficiency of people and process by leveraging nVaaS services, freeing resources and time to focus on technology innovations to improve customer-facing services and optimize budgets.