NETSCOUT’s Arbor Edge Defense Named Best Network Security Solution in the 2023 SIIA CODiE Awards

Prestigious awards program recognizes NETSCOUT for ongoing innovation and commitment to security in business technology.

CoDie Award Image
Maribel Lopez

NETSCOUT is pleased to announce that Arbor Edge Defense (AED) recently earned the 2023 SIIA CODiE Award for Best Network Security Solution. The CODiE Awards are among the most competitive B2B technology awards, requiring each nomination to receive a detailed review by two expert judges during the first-round review; each finalist product receives a second peer review from a team of industry leaders, including a live product demonstration.

AED is an inline security appliance deployed at the network perimeter (between the internet router and network firewall) to provide an additional cyberdefense layer. AED occupies a unique position on the network edge, serving as the first and last line of defense, where it blocks inbound cyberthreats—distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and indicators of compromise (IOCs), for example—and outbound malicious communication in bulk. The stateless security solution is uniquely powerful because it is backed by NETSCOUT’s unmatched ATLAS global sensor network with visibility into more than half of all internet traffic and machine learning (ML) models trained by NETSCOUT’s ASERT expert team of security researchers to automatically detect even the most complex attacks. 

AED was recently updated with new ML-based features to automatically detect, adapt to, and mitigate even the most complex, dynamic DDoS attacks. This update follows a rise in dynamic DDoS attacks that frequently switch methodologies or threat vectors until they are successful. Indeed, NETSCOUT observed that dynamic, multivector attacks made up more than 40 percent of all DDoS attacks in 2022, and more than a quarter million of those DDoS attacks used more than 10 vectors, necessitating an adaptive DDoS protection solution.

NETSCOUT is proud to be recognized by SIIA CODiE Awards as offering the best network security solution based on AED’s superior performance and key features. 

Learn more about the SIIA CODiE Awards.