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Adaptive DDoS Protection is the Only Methodology That Can Defeat Dynamic Multi-Vector DDoS Attacks

AED with Adaptive DDoS Protection is the only solution in the market to address the challenge from dynamic DDoS attacks.

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Defending your network efficiently requires as much knowledge about your adversary as possible combined with the ability to operationalize that knowledge to adapt defenses to the ever-changing attackers’ challenges. The NETSCOUT Threat Report’s latest findings indicate that volumetric reflection/amplification attacks are on a decline and direct path dynamic multi-vector attacks that target specific organizations are on the rise. These attacks can manifest themselves as full network outages or nuisance application downtime. In either case, the disruption of network availability can tarnish brand reputation, customer trust, and revenue. Direct costs include, lost sales, customer churn, impacted productivity, legal and regulatory liability, brand damage, and shareholder value. Indirect costs that are routinely overlooked, include SLA credits, PR costs, increases in cyber insurance premiums, and extortion. Every Enterprise is at grave risk if they don’t deploy an effective DDoS solution on-premises – protecting both the edge of their infrastructure, as well as critical resources such as DNS, AAA, SBC, HTTP/s, Email, and VPN concentrators. All told, the damage can be extensive and should not be ignored.