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NETSCOUT Visibility as a Service for Always-On, Proactive Performance Management

NETSCOUT’s managed service offering addresses complex challenges with proactive monitoring support and troubleshooting expertise.

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The NETSCOUT® Visibility as a Service (VaaS) managed service helps address these collective challenges by providing 7x24 proactive monitoring for your business-critical solutions. With our global Subject Matter Experts monitoring your NETSCOUT deployments — whether involving our nGenius® Enterprise Performance Management solution or nGeniusONE, — the VaaS program better operationalizes our integrated service assurance and smart visibility technology across your IT Operations units, including NetOps, SecOps, UC&C, Application, Desktop, Cybersecurity, and Project Management teams.

Our VaaS application and network experts provide proactive NETSCOUT monitoring support in a follow-the-sun model that leverages personnel distributed across our multi-continent Network Operations Competency Center (NOCs) and remote support office locations.

With this managed service program, VaaS consultants use real-time dashboard and service monitor views to optimize the smart data generated by your NETSCOUT smart visibility data sources (i.e., InfiniStreamNG®, vSTREAM®, and nGenius® Packet Flow Switches) to provide real-time snapshots across your enterprise environment.