Man and woman standing in room with servers looking at tablet held by woman

Unparalleled Visibility for Even Greater Network Security

The Network Is the Only Place Attackers Can’t Hide. Time to Expose Them.

Cyberthreats are in business to wreak havoc on yours, and network blind spots in traditional cybersecurity solutions only increase the chaos. NETSCOUT’s Omnis Network Security works with your existing NETSCOUT investment to help eliminate visibility gaps and keep your security staff focused where it matters most.

$457m in 2022; $990m in 2023

The Wall Street Journal recently reported ransomware hackers will haul nearly $900 million by the end of 2023, versus $457 million in 2022.

Relentless Business Risk Calls for a New Kind of Visibility

Rapidly evolving cyberattacks are increasing the risk to your business exponentially, including operational disruption, loss of critical data, diversion of resources, and revenue loss. As the threat landscape expands, mitigating such unacceptable outcomes requires new levels of visibility that provide security at unequaled scale.

A Common Source of Network Visibility for Net/SecOps

NETSCOUT’s Omnis Network Security can leverage your investment in NETSCOUT performance management to create a common network data platform for Net/SecOps use cases — to lower costs, consolidate tools, and bolster performance and security.

NETSCOUT’s Omnis Network Security solution:

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Leverages prior investment in network visibility.

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Integrates with and fills the visibility gaps left by other security tools.

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Detects cyberthreats in real time.

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Enables rapid investigation and faster remediation.

Visibility Without Borders® for Protection Without Limits

NETSCOUT’s Omnis Network Security is an essential solution in our Visibility Without Borders platform, unlocking unique insight into network traffic at an unequaled scale, to deliver unrivaled, cost-effective network performance management and cyberthreat protection.

No One Knows the Network Better than NETSCOUT

For 30+ years, NETSCOUT has been converting the deepest network data into the intelligence needed for more effective cyberthreat detection and response. NETSCOUT serves the world’s essential organizations and communication service providers, ensuring that our solutions solve the most challenging problems for the world’s most complex networks.

Let’s Talk About Making Your Organization’s Network Unstoppable

Your account team is ready to talk uncompromising network visibility, performance, and protection when you are.