Achieve Stateless Adaptive DDoS Protection with AED

With more than 13 million #DDoSAttacks launched last year by nation states, organized crime, hacktivists, and high school kids, powerful #DDoSProtection is needed. With NETSCOUT Arbor Edge Defense (AED), your business is protected. With no industry, organization type, or business spared by the easiest type of cybercrime to commit, an adaptive stateless DDoS protection solution is key. Your firewall is not enough to protect you from DDoS attacks – in fact, it is a target for state exhaustion attacks, which are designed to overwhelm stateful devices like firewalls. #ISP, #Cloud, and #CDN providers also offer insufficient solutions. Up to 75% of small-sized stealthy DDoS traffic gets through ISP countermeasures, leaving your business susceptible to application layer and state exhaustion DDoS attacks. Botnets run millions of infected devices in the cloud, and detecting botnets in the cloud is extremely complex, something that cloud providers are ineffective at performing. Finally, CDNs only protect websites, not VPNs and other network devices. NETSCOUT AED offers adaptive stateless #DDoSMitigation solutions to protect firewalls and your network in general. When bandwidth is exceeded, it can automatically port traffic to Arbor Cloud for additional mitigation capabilities. Trust the stateless DDoS protection solution backed by decades of expert mitigation and the largest set of threat intelligence data on the market. Trust AED.