CVE # Advisory name Product(s) Severity Last Updated
CVE-2023-41905 Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-41172 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Stored Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-41171 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Stored Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-41170 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Stored Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-41169 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Stored Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-41168 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.4 build 2298 allows a Stored Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Roberto Suggi Liverani and Filip Waeytens from the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for reporting the vulnerability to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.4 P17 B2382 or later to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-40302 Weak File Permissions nGeniusPULSE Critical

Weak File Permissions


Related Product(s): nGeniusPULSE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusPULSE version 3.8.0-0.2349.0.allows a Weak File Permissions vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Waeytens Filip and Christophe Schleypen at NCIA for reporting CVE-2023-40301 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install version 3.11.0-0.397.0 or above to eliminate this vulnerability. The release is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-40301 Command Injection nGeniusONE Critical

Command Injection


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusPULSE version 3.8.0-0.2349.0.allows a Command Injection vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Waeytens Filip and Christophe Schleypen at NCIA for reporting CVE-2023-40301 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install version 3.11.0-0.397.0 or above to eliminate this vulnerability. The release is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2023-40300 Hardcoded Cryptographic Key nGeniusONE Critical

Hardcoded Cryptographic Key


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusPULSE version 3.8.0-0.2349.0.allows a Hardcoded Cryptographic Key vulnerability.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Waeytens Filip and Christophe Schleypen at NCIA for reporting CVE-2023-40301 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install version 3.11.0-0.397.0 or above to eliminate this vulnerability. The release is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44718 Open Redirection nGeniusONE Low

Open Redirection


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Open Redirection vulnerability.
 NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44718 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.3 P3 B1090  to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44717 Open Redirection nGeniusONE Low

Open Redirection


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Open Redirection vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44717 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.3 P3 B1090  to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44715 Improper File Permissions nGeniusONE High

Improper File Permissions


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Improper File Permissions vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44715 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P13 B947 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44029 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44028 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44027 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows a Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
 NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44026 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows a Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44025 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows a Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2022-44024 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows a Reflected Cross-Site scripting vulnerability.
NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2022-44024 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  B938 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-45983 Java RMI Remote Code Execution nGeniusONE Critical

Java RMI Remote Code Execution


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows Java RMI Code Execution attacks. Attack complexity is high. Privileges required none. User interaction required and scope is unchanged.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2021-45982 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install 6.3.2 P12 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-45981 XML External Entity (XXE) nGeniusONE Critical

XML External Entity (XXE)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows XML External Entity (XXE) attacks. Attack complexity is high. Privileges required none. User interaction required and scope is unchanged.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2021-45981 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P12 to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-45982 Arbitrary File Upload nGeniusONE High

Arbitrary File Upload


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems in nGeniusONE version 6.3.2 build 904 allows an Arbitrary File Upload vulnerability. Attack complexity is high. Privileges required low. User interaction required and scope is unchanged.

NetScout Systems would like to acknowledge Lukasz Plonka for reporting CVE-2021-45982 to

Fixed Software

Customers should install patch 6.3.2 P10  to eliminate this vulnerability. The patch is available on My NETSCOUT account page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35205 Open Redirection nGeniusONE Medium

Open Redirection


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 allows URL redirection in redirector. The Attack complexity is low, and the privileges required are also low. User Interaction required, and Scope is unchanged。

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.2 FCS B426 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35204 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 allows Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the support endpoint. Attack Complexity required is low. Privileges required are low and User Interaction required, and Scope is unchanged. The victim has to click on the provided URL.

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P6 B1413 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35203 Incorrect Access Control nGeniusONE Medium

Incorrect Access Control


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 allows Arbitrary File Read operations via the FDSQueryService endpoint. The attacker needs to send a specially crafted request with a parameter with the file name to read. The Attack Complexity is low, and the privileges required are low. User Interaction is required, and Scope is unchanged

Fixed Software

 Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P6 B1413 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784. Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35202 Insecure Permissions nGeniusONE Medium

Insecure Permissions


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 allows Authorization Bypass (to access an endpoint) in FDSQueryService. Attack Complexity is Low. The attacker can reach endpoints that are restricted. User Interaction is required, and Scope is unchanged。

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P6 B1413 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35201 XML External Entity (XXE) nGeniusONE Medium

XML External Entity (XXE)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems NEI in nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 allows XML External Entity (XXE) attacks. Attack Complexity is High, Privileges Required None, User Interaction Required and Scope is unchanged.

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P4 B1406 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35200 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 has stored cross-site scripting in FDSQueryService vulnerability that a high-privileged user can exploit. This would require a user with high privileges. Attack complexity is High, and the Scope is Unchanged

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P5 B1411 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35199 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1196 and earlier has stored cross-site scripting in Packet Analysis module Upload File vulnerability that a normal user can exploit. This requires a little crypto knowledge to exploit. The vulnerability exists in upload functionality.

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P5 B1411 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT page or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix.

CVE-2021-35198 Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) nGeniusONE Medium

Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)


Related Product(s): nGeniusONE

First Published: 


NETSCOUT Systems nGeniusONE version 6.3.0 build 1004, and earlier has a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability that a normal user can exploit. The user would need to visit a certain functionality in the packet module for the Stored XSS to get executed.

Fixed Software

Customers should request a patch 6.3.0 P5 B1411 to eliminate this vulnerability. This is available on the My NETSCOUT or may be obtained by contacting NETSCOUT support at 1-800-708-4784.  Please note that all future versions include this fix

CVE-2020-28251 Escalated Privileges Vulnerability on AirMagnet Enterprise Sensors AirMagnet High

Related Product(s): AirMagnet

First Published: 

NETSCOUT Systems AirMagnet Enterprise version 11.1.4 build 37257 and earlier has a sensor escalated privileges vulnerability that can be exploited to provide someone with administrative access to a sensor, with credentials to invoke a command to provide root access to the operating system. The attacker must complete a straightforward password-cracking exercise.

The affected product models are:

  • SENSOR6-R1S0W1-E
  • SENSOR6-R2S1-E
  • SENSOR6-R2S1-I
  • SENSOR4-R1S1W1-E
  • SENSOR4-R2S1-E
  • SENSOR4-R2S1-I

A software upgrade to AirMagnet Enterprise version 11.1.4 build 37271 to eliminate this vulnerability is available on My NETSCOUT accounts on the AirMagnet Enterprise Downloads page or may be obtained by contacting AirMagnet support at 1-800-708-4784.