Charting the Journey
Today’s IT environments have grown more complex as customer expectations of performance have increased. Adding to this, cybersecurity threats have compounded the IT challenge immensely.
DevSecOps — the incorporation of information security into DevOps — is a modern, best practice approach to navigating this complex landscape. With the right tools and the right reorganization of IT personnel, DevSecOps teams can deliver high performance and secure application functionality to deliver an exceptional customer experience that is continually improving.
What Is DevSecOps?
DevSecOps — the incorporation of information security into DevOps — is a modern, best practice approach to navigating this complex landscape. With the right tools and the right reorganization of IT personnel, DevSecOps teams can deliver high performance and secure application functionality to deliver an exceptional customer experience that is continually improving.
Delivering on this promise requires end-to-end visibility across the entire hybrid IT landscape, via continuous monitoring to proactively resolve issues before they impact customers.
The Road Map
Such visibility must begin with system-level telemetry that provides visibility into system behavior at the network level, including all interdependencies among systems, providing DevSecOps teams the Smart Data they require to deliver on the promises of the modern digital enterprise.
This is the topic of a NETSCOUT® white paper entitled "DevSecOps: Key to Expanding the Borders of Critical, Pervasive Visibility in the Digital Age," Jason Bloomberg, leading IT analyst and President of Intellyx. We have distilled his essential findings in this Road Map to DevSecOps.

Make new and old work flawlessly.
The containerized, hybrid world demands hybrid solutions at web scale. Rather than choosing between old and slow vs. new and fast, focus on flawlessly integrating modern technologies like Cloud and virtualization with traditional, on-premises systems. Technology is a means to an end, which is driving value for your customers.

Shift from traditional silos to a cross-functional team.
Continue to break down traditional DevOps silos, just keep them on a controlled burn as you find new paths to continued collaboration. Introduce the right people early on, with the right processes, policies, and guidelines to ensure lightweight governance that facilitates continuous development as you advance organizational goals.

Timely performance insight requires a single pane of glass.
Application-level visibility has traditionally been a "single silo" view in environments as traditional Application Performance Management (APM) continues to fall behind. To proactively identify service delivery problems, ops must have visibility into every element of today’s complex, hybrid, abstracted environments — a "single pane of glass." This means end-to-end visibility, including telemetry of load, latency, and failure metrics.

System-level visibility, fueled by Smart data, is your true north.
System-level visibility is the holy grail for DevSecOps. Just as with ops in a hybrid environment, DevSecOps requires continuous monitoring of key metrics to establish common situational awareness across the entire ops team in order to meet the performance and threat management needs of the organization, from system-level telemetry to application-level visibility.

Visibility enables continual improvement that will drive long-term success.
Effective feedback loops and mean time to repair (MTTR) reductions are essential to long-term success. Pervasive, system-level visibility can have a combined effect, but the benefits go further. With the right visibility can have a combined effect, but the benefits go further. With the right visibility. DevSecOps can go beyond reducing MTTR to continuously improving and maturing, and thus proactively reducing the overall number of failures via common situational awareness and visibility.
The Visible Horizon
The ultimate destination for DevSecOps is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but a collaborative IT environment that empowers teams of uniquely qualified individuals to see challenges from multiple perspectives.
This end-to-end, system-level visibility includes telemetry across a wide range of metrics — yielding operational data that provides the right visibility for the right people at the right rime.
In other words, Smart Data that bring the overall landscape into view while simultaneously allowing the team to drill down into the details of a situation. The result is a level of Visibility Without Borders that empowers the large enterprise to achieve — and deliver an exceptional customer experience.
Holistic Visibility and Continous Monitoring
To achieve these goals, the DevSecOps team must select the proper tooling that provides pervasive and unified visibility across the entire stack — with minimal overhead that might impede the continuous delivery priorities of DevSecOps. NETSCOUT solutions use IP-based technologies to help the DevSecOps team gain system-level visibility, protecting the deployment pipeline at the speed your business requires.
NETSCOUT Solutions empower DevSecOps teams to maintain Visibility Without Borders:
- Continuously monitor the IP traffic that traverses the service delivery infrastructure.
- Proactively detect service degradations.
- Provide insight into all services interdependencies to reduce MTTR and resolve issues before they impact users.
- Increase the overall maturity of your organizations as it moves to DevSecOps.